Thank you for taking the time to consider getting involved in the 12th Annual SMS Equipment Wine Auction in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters Wood Buffalo. Your involvement is key to the success of this event!
By becoming a Sponsor of the 12th annual SMS Equipment Wine Auction in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wood Buffalo, you are supporting a vital organization in our community dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children and youth by providing positive role models. We offer a number of different sponsorship opportunities outlined in our sponsorship package. If you would like view the opportunities, please contact .
Want to show your support for Big Brothers Big Sisters in a different way? Enthusiastic volunteers are required to make the 12th Annual SMS Equipment Wine Auction a success! Volunteers are needed on the evening of the event, Saturday, September 17, 2022, to help in a variety of roles. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wood Buffalo at 780-791-2447 or